Spend Labor Day Weekend Protecting Sage-Grouse in Table Mountain Wilderness!!

Escape the heat of summer by spending Labor Day Weekend in Table Mountain Wilderness!  We'll be protecting habitat for the sensitive, striking, and charismatic Greater Sage-Grouse!


Greater Sage-Grouse are a fascinating species with strikingly unique calls and mating rituals.  These birds will feed on wildflowers and insects, but depend on large expanses of healthy sagebrush for year-round forage.  As global temperatures are increasing, native pinyon-juniper forests are encroaching on sagebrush ecosystems.  This encroachment elevates the risk of hot, fast-moving wildfires across the sagebrush habitat.  We'll use pruners, loppers, and hand saws to remove the Pinyon Pine & Juniper seedlings that are popping up at the edge of the sagebrush habitat.


Table Mountain Wilderness is a great place to escape the heat of the Mojave and experience Nevada's Great Basin.  This rolling, semi-forested Wilderness contains one of the most extensive stands of aspen AND largest mule deer herds found in Nevada.  While hiking around you'll get to explore one of Nevada's finest mountain ranges: the Monitor range.  On both Saturday and Sunday, we'll provide breakfasts and cook stupendously delicious Dutch Oven dinners for everyone!

Sign up at one of the event pages below:

Southern Nevada - Sage Grouse Habitat Protection!

Northern Nevada - Sage Grouse Habitat Protection!

(Although we'll all be working together, this will help us coordinate logistics and carpooling.)

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