Job Peak Wilderness Study Area

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Wilderness Area StatusJob Peak Wilderness Study Area on a foggy morning.

Wilderness Study Area
Year Designated:

Act or Law:
Acres: 90209
State Region: Northwest Nevada
County Regions: Churchill   


Managing Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Local District: Carson City Field OfficeJob Peak Wilderness Study Area's snowy mountains.
Contact Info: (775) 885-6000
5665 Morgan Mill Road  Carson City, NV89701
Visit the website (will open a new window)

Area Description

The Job Peak WSA includes roughly the southern third of the Sillwater Mountain Range. Elevations range from about 3,600 feet in Dixie Valley to 8,785 feet at the summit of Job Peak, the highest point in the Stillwater Range. The most interesting natural features are associated with the rugged canyons in the northeast portion of the area stretching from Coyote to Little Box Canyon. There are no perennial streams in this WSA, but small pockets of riparian vegetation live along intermittent streams in several eastside canyons and around springs. The fault scarp on the east side is a result of the 1954 earthquake. In places, the earth has been displaced up to seven feet.

Click on the Arrow Buttons or the image below to visit the Job Peak Flickr Gallery:Stillwaters_Job

The northeast part of this WSA are best for hiking and camping due to the scenic canyons. Riding is possible thought much of this area, but the most scenic regions are too rugged for horses.


Desert bighorn sheep, once native to the range but eliminated through poaching and diseases transmitted by domestic sheep which grazed the area until the 1940s, were successfuly reintroduced into the WSA in 1981.

This Wilderness Study Area is a component of the Bureau of Land Management's National Conservation Lands.