Clock ticking on Pershing County Lands bill

August 23, 2024 - Friends continues to closely monitor progress of an important piece of legislation, the Pershing County public lands bill, now on a bi-partisan track through Congress.

A priority for both Congressman Mark Amodei and Senator Jacky Rosen, the bill would create seven new Wilderness Areas in Pershing County and help resolve the more than century-old checkerboard pattern of land ownership that inhibits use of the land for both conservation and economic development purposes.

“Friends is very grateful to Senator Rosen and Congressman Amodei for reintroducing the Pershing County bill,” said Executive Director Shaaron Netherton. “We have been active partners with stakeholders and local governments working to resolve public lands issues in Pershing County for a over a decade. We are excited about the seven beautiful Wilderness areas and we are also excited for the opportunity to block up public and private lands to support appropriate development including green energy along with better conservation and management in the checkerboard area along the railroad and I-80 corridor.” 

The bill would designate more than 136,000 acres of new Wilderness Areas:

  • Fencemaker WA at the northern end of the Stillwater Range
    Much of the range to the south in Churchill County received permanent conservation designations in 2022 legislation.
  • Grandfather’s (Tobin Crest) WA
  • Cain Mountain ( portions of the former Augusta Moutains WSA have already been designated as Cain Mountain Wilderness in Lander and Churchill Counties)
  • Bluewing
  • Selenite Peak
  • Mt. Limbo
  • North Sahwave

Senator Rosen’s bill would also transfer land into trust to the Lovelock Paiute Tribe to expand their tribal cemetery.

Overall, the bill protects a significant amount of land for conservation and recreation use for future generations; keeps proceeds from the sale of a limited amount of public land in Pershing County to buy, conserve and protect additional sensitive lands; allows current mining claim holders to contribute to the Pershing County economy and resolves the unmanageable checkerboard land pattern that has strangled wise use of the land.

Previous versions of the bill have been supported by former and current Nevada elected officials. Friends is hopeful that the legislation will move through Congress this year and finally be signed into law. We thank Congressman Amodei and Senator Rosen for their leadership in championing the bill. 


Proposed Grandfathers' (Tobin Crest) Wilderness Area in Pershing County
photo by Kirk Petersen

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