Wheeler Pass Illegal Sign Removal

Join Friends of Nevada Wilderness to Remove Illegal Signage from the Mt. Sterling Wilderness Study Area on Saturday June 18!

We'll be driving to Wheeler Pass Road on the Pahrump side of the Spring Mountains to remove several dozen road signs affixed to trees along a single-track trail that enters the Mount Sterling Wilderness Study Area.  Friends of Nevada Wilderness will carpool to the area with our partners at the US Forest Service and hike the roughly 2-mile trail to remove nearly four dozen illegal signs from public land.

If you would like to drive your own vehicle, high-clearance and 4-wheel drive are necessary.  We will provide tools and PPE.  Volunteers will be expected to carry some signs out.

Please contact Peter Sbraccia at [email protected] for more information.  


June 18, 2022 at 8:00am - 6pm
Interagency Office
4701 N Torrey Pines
Las Vegas, NV 89130
United States
Google Map and Directions
Peter Sbraccia ·
Daniel Dendler Richard Miller SuriyaPrakaash LakshmiBalasubramaniam dan Wright

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Daniel Dendler
Richard Miller
SuriyaPrakaash LakshmiBalasubramaniam
dan Wright
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