Smoke Creek Range NCA

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HaysCanyon13_01_PetersonK.jpgArea Status:
National Conservation Area (Proposed)

Year Protected:
Draft Introduced January 16, 2024

Act or Law:
Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act

Acres: 268,658

State Region: Northwest Nevada

County: Washoe   


Managing Agency: Bureau of Land Management Local District: Surprise Field Office Contact Info: (530) 279-6101 602 Cressler St  Cedarville, CA96104 Visit the website (will open a new window)

Honoring Native Lands

The Smoke Creek National Conservation Area (NCA) is part of the traditional homelands and life-ways of the Nuumu (Northern Paiute) people. Native American use of this land reaches back countless generations. 

Area Description

Smoke Creek National Conservation Area (NCA) includes Dry Valley Rim, Buffalo Hills, Twin Peaks, and Poodle Mountain Wilderness Study Areas, along with the Burro Mountain Lands with Wilderness Character and former private lands, which were purchased to assure and protect the wildlife habitat and natural resources of this remarkable landscape. Smoke Creek NCA features an astounding diversity of landscapes and wildlife habitats characterized rhyolitic formations and basalt lava flows creating a landscape of rims and sprawling elevated plateaus, carved by deep canyons. The highest points in the NCA are a series of gently-sloping peaks with elevations ranging from 4,000 to 7,000 feet. Sagebrush, juniper trees, small aspen groves, and surprising rocks outcrops can be found throughout the NCA.  Burro Wilderness (6,343 acres) and Wrangler Wilderness (49,540 acres) protect the wildest parts of the NCA.  The Smoke Creek NCA will also help assure continued protection for Northern Nevada's Dark Skies. 

HaysCanyon13_63_PetersonK.jpgArchaeological surveys of the region reveal a highly complex pre-historic settlement pattern. Temporary camps and hunting-related lithic scatters were found on the benches and slopes above drainages. Rock shelters and sources of lithic material are found throughout the area. Native American petroglyphs and pioneer inscriptions can be found within in this NCA as well.

Smoke Creek NCA Map (Proposed)

Wildlife: Sage-grouse, pygmy rabbits, mule deer, pronghorn, a variety of raptors, songbirds, and sage-dependent species.

See the Smoke Creek NCA Gallery

Click on Arrows Below to View Gallery:Washoe_DryValley_Poodle_TwinPeaks_Buffalo_HaysCanyon_kkuznicki_0272