Join Friends of Nevada Wilderness and the Santa Rosa Ranger District as we continue our work to help rehabilitate areas that have been affected by fire.
We will be planting around 1800 bitterbrush seedlings over 2-3 weekends in the spring of 2015. Bitterbrush is important browse for ungulates and is especially important for winter forage. The presence of bitterbrush as a productive component of shrub communities is beneficial to mule deer and other wildlife species.
We will leave the Reno office in the early Friday afternoon and return Sunday afternoon. Dinner will be provided on Saturday night and Continental Breakfast will be provided on both Saturday and Sunday mornings. We will have a few snacks for Saturday afternoon, but we encourage folks to bring their own lunch. Folks from Winnemucca tend to come out for the day, which is fine too. Contact us for meeting locations if you plan on meeting us Saturday morning. More details will be out closer to the date of the event.
If you're interested in this event go ahead and RSVP so you'll get the email updates and don't worry if you need to cancel, we understand :). If you have any questions contact Renee at [email protected]
This trip is dependent on weather and might have to be rescheduled if there is still snow.