Please join Friends of Nevada Wilderness, Friends of Gold Butte, and KEEN Footwear to hear the stories of the Gold Butte landscape. RSVP with Friends of Gold Butte or on Eventbrite.
We invite all Monument stakeholders (i.e. the general public) for a day and night of storytelling out on in the landscape where we will learn about the unique history, nature, culture and economy of Gold Butte.
As a way to connect more Americans to the history, resources, and issues of our public lands, guests will join guides of diverse perspectives in sharing stories (including yours!) about Gold Butte, which will be recorded and shared on social media. Stories will be recorded and become a part of the oral history of the land.
The event will begin at 10am at the First Rock campground (gps coodinates: 36.7715156, -114.2346796). Lunch, dinner and breakfast the next morning will be made at camp and provided free by KEEN and other local businesses. Camping is not required, but highly encouraged as there will be (weather permitting) interpretations of Gold Butte and its night sky after dark.
What to bring: Warm clothes, hat and jacket to be in the desert on a winter night. If you plan to camp, please bring all of your own personal gear. Food and drink will be provided.