Ormat is proposing to develop geothermal plants just outside of Gerlach along County Road 34. Comments due to the BLM by November 30. For more details and to leave your comment, please view the official release statement here.
Friends of Nevada Wilderness will be fighting this project that would be wedged between the Black Rock Desert NCA and the lower eastern slopes of the proposed Granite Banjo Wilderness. It would directly impact the region’s dark skies, the Granite Banjo Wilderness Proposal, the Americana Art installation of Guru Lane, water sources, and international tourism in Gerlach and the Black Rock Playa.
Ormat is proposing to construct, operate, and maintain the Gerlach Geothermal Development Project less than a mile north of Gerlach, Nevada. It would include the construction and operation of up to two energy generation facilities, geothermal fluid production and injection wells and well pads, access roads, aggregate pits, geothermal fluid pipelines, an electrical transmission line and ancillary support facilities and would directly impact 163 acres.
This project if built will significantly impact the natural, cultural and visual resources in the Black Rock Desert. We all must come together to fight this controversial project NOW!