Wall Canyon Wilderness Study Area

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Area Statusphoto_wallcanyon_mtnviewck59_bbeffort_96d_400x266.jpg

Wilderness Study Area (Proposed National Conservation Area)

Year Designated:

Act or Law:
Acres: 46305
State Region: Northwest Nevada
County Regions: Washoe   


Managing Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Local District: Surprise Field Office
Contact Info: (530) 279-6101
602 Cressler St  Cedarville, CA96104
Visit the website (will open a new window)photo_wallcanyon24_bbeffort_96d_400x266.jpg

Breaking News- April 7, 2023

On April 7, 2023, Senator Rosen released a working draft of the Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act. A portion of this act includes permanent conservation protection for the 146,997-acre Hays Canyon Range National Conservation Area (NCA). Included within the proposed NCA are the Wall Canyon Wilderness Study Area and the Hays Canyon and Two Hats inventoried wilderness units.


Area Description

The Wall Canyon Wilderness Study Area in northern Washoe County includes a portion of the Hays Canyon mountain range and all of Boulder Mountain. Typical of Great Basin mountainous areas, Wall Canyon is home to abundant canyons, buttes and rims plus upland benches and wide valley floors. Elevations range from 5,300 to 7,340 feet. The steep slopes, tall, dense sagebrush, juniper trees and large rocks largely restrict vehicles to the boundary roads.

Archaeological surveys of the region reveal a highly complex pre-historic settlement pattern. Temporary camps and hunting-related lithic scatters were found on the benches and slopes above drainages, at rim-edge chipping stations, near canyon rock shelters and at sources of massive obsidian.

According to the Nevada Department of Wildlife, a majority of this WSA contains critical and irreplaceable habitat for the greater sage grouse. This region contains some of largest and most productive sage-grouse leks in Nevada. Friends of Nevada Wilderness believes that full wilderness status for this area, and restoration of important lek, nesting and brood-rearing habitat could help stave off a listing of the bird under the Endangered Species Act and help the bird's population to recover.

Wildlife: Sage-grouse, pygmy rabbits, mule deer, pronghorn, a variety of raptors, songbirds and sage-dependent species, and the unique Wall Canyon sucker.

To see more photos visit Wall Canyon Gallery.