Granite Peak Land with Wilderness Character

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Wilderness Area Statusphoto_granite_highbasin_mccurry_400.jpg

BLM-inventoried Land with Wilderness Character in the Winnemucca District Resource Management Plan.
Year Designated:

Act or Law:
Acres: about 42,700
State Region: Northwest Nevada
County Regions: Washoe  Pershing 


Managing Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Local District: Winnemucca Field Office
Contact Info: (775) 623-1500
5100 East Winnemucca Blvd,  Winnemucca, NV 89445
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Area Description

The Granite Range provides some of the Black Rock Desert region's highest wilderness values. It is home to an amazing diversity of wildlife, including California bighorn sheep, sage grouse, mule deer and antelope. These, and other, species are supported by numerous high-altitude springs and wet upland meadows that harbor lush native grasses, creeks, springs and ponds that provide essential summer habitat when all lands surrounding the range are parched.

The Granite Range is a vital link in the rich network of wildlife habitat that runs from the Sheldon Refuge in the north down through all the wilderness and NCA areas of the Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon and south to Poodle Mountain, Dry Valley Rim, Twin Peaks, Buffalo Hills and Tule Peak.

The BLM has identified two units within the Granite Range that meet the definition of wilderness as defined by the Wilderness Act, as part of the Winnemucca District Resource Management Plan revision in 2008 through 2013: Granite Peak (42,700 acres) and Buckhorn Peak to the north (23,400 acres). These areas are identified in the Winnemucca RMP as Lands with Wilderness Characteristics.

Vistas from this range are immense and it certainly is a part of the viewsheds from the historic California emigrant trails.