East Fork High Rock Canyon Wilderness

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Wilderness Area Statusphoto_eforkhighrock_lnt05_1_dlefevre_400.jpg

Designated Wilderness Area
Year Designated: 2000

Act or Law: Black Rock Desert - High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area Act of 2000
Acres: 52617
State Region: Northwest Nevada
County Regions: Washoe   


Managing Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Local District: Surprise Field Office
Contact Info: (530) 279-6101
602 Cressler St PO Box 460 Cedarville, CA96104photo_eforkhighrock_lnt2_dlefevre_400.jpg
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Area Description

The East Fork High Rock Canyon Wilderness lies on a broad, volcanic upland in the northern Calico Mountains. Elevations range from 4,900 to 6,600 feet. The western portion is a palette of contrasting colors - the bright green canyon floors and the yellows, reds, browns, grays and oranges of the canyon walls. This area has a variety of land forms with big cliffs, steep talus slopes and short rimrocks. The visual and topographic contrast between the open expansive uplands and the deeply incised canyons creates scenic-quality vistas. The canyons are 200-500 feet deep erosional scars cutting through multi-colored layers of volcanic rock. The canyon floors support willow and meadows.

The wilderness supports nesting population of golden eagles, prairie falcons, hawks and owls. The canyon floors and walls are home to quail, chukar and non-game birds. The shaded canyons support mule deer. The buttes and uplands are home to pronghorn antelope.

East Rock High Rock Canyon Wilderness is a living history book from the prehistoric times, through the pioneer days and on into present times. On their way to Oregon and California, pioneers followed the Lassen-Applegate Trail as it passed through High Rock Canyon. Humans used this area for thousands of years before.

This wilderness is a component of the Bureau of Land Management's National Conservation Lands.

Wildlife: Long-nosed Leopard Lizard, Zebra-tailed Lizard, Great Basin Rattlesnake, Gopher Snake, Mule Deer, Mountain Lion, Pronghorn, Bobcat, Desert Cottontail, Chukar, Great Horned Owl, Greater Sage-grouse