Volunteers Leads Wildfire Recovery Efforts
Friends of Nevada Wilderness' volunteers are off to a great field season here in Northern Nevada. To date, we have hosted five volunteer trips, all focusing on habitat restoration in wildfire affected areas. Working directly with the land management agencies, the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management, we focused on four areas heavily affected by wildfires: Tom Basin and the Hanson Fire in the Santa Rosa Mountains, the Cold Springs Fire in the Desatoya Mountains, and the Coleman Fire in northwestern Nevada, west of the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge. All five of these projects were generously funded by the Dream Tags Charitable Fund and facilitated by the Community Foundation of Western Nevada. Over these five trips, fifty volunteers braved the elements and planted over 8,500 sagebrush and bitterbrush seedlings. These plantings will help reduce erosion and offer winter forage for big game, as well as improve habitat for the Greater Sage-Grouse.
We have been thrilled with our volunteers' hard work. Each planting was immediately followed by a storm system, giving them the much needed moisture to get a jump start for the growing season ahead. Many of our plantings augmented previous plantings done by Friends’ volunteers and we were ecstatic to see dozens of last year’s seedlings thriving in the Coleman Fire area. It has been a successful start to another great field season. Thus far, volunteers have generated more than $12,000 of in-kind value. This is an immense help for the land management agencies! Of course, the help goes far beyond an economic impact. Our volunteers' strong dedication and commitment to the conservation of our public lands inspires friends, family, and other community members to also want to give back!
We're Hiring!
 Spend the summer in wild Nevada!
Do you want to work in wild Nevada this upcoming field season? We are hiring for positions on our wilderness trail crew and Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge restoration crew!
Wilderness Trail Crew Member: Friends of Nevada Wilderness in cooperation with the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest is recruiting a full-time (approximately 40 hours/week) Trail Crew Member to maintain trails in central and northeast Nevada wilderness areas. The Trail Crew Member will be required to work with other members; be responsible for the safety of fellow trail crew members, volunteers, and Forest visitors. The priority of this trail crew is to perform trail maintenance in central and northeast Nevada. This is a paid seasonal position that begins in late May and ends in September/October 2016, weather permitting.
Sheldon Restoration Crew Member: Friends of Nevada Wilderness is hiring three AmeriCorps crew members to work in the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge in northern Nevada. This is a perfect opportunity to disconnect from the digital world and spend your summer in nature! This position will entail working directly on the ground to improve wildlife habitat by removing barbwire fence and unneeded, non-repairable developments within the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge. A significant amount of time will be spent living and working in a remote location with limited communication capabilities. Housing and food will be provided; however, some camping will be required.
To learn more about these positions and how to apply, click here!
Now Accepting Artist Submissions!
 The Granite Range by Judy Hilbish, featured in 2015 Wild Nevada art exhibit.
We're now seeking submissions for our third annual Artown Wild Nevada art exhibit! The Wild Nevada art exhibit is the perfect opportunity to showcase your art, celebrate the beauty of wild Nevada, and help raise funds for Friends of Nevada Wilderness to continue our mission in keeping Nevada wild.
All art submissions should be depicting wild Nevada landscapes or wildlife. This exhibit is open to both amateurs and professionals working in mostly all mediums of art, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, mixed media, fabric and printmaking. The theme for this group exhibition is wilderness so special attention will be given to innovative projects centering on the theme of wilderness and/or wild places in Nevada. The goal of this exhibition is to provide the community with art centered on Nevada in order to inspire them to get outside, explore, and preserve these special areas. We will not consider any artwork depicting other states or those including roads, developments, or non-native species.
All art in the exhibit will be for sale with the price set by the artist (exceptions might be made - please contact us directly with questions). Because this is an art show to benefit wild lands, 35% of the proceeds of art sold will go back to Friends of Nevada Wilderness so we can continue our mission in preserving wilderness.
Please share this opportunity with your artist friends and family!
Save the Date!
The Wild Nevada exhibit will run from July 9th to July 29th and can be viewed Monday through Friday, 10am-4pm at our Sparks headquarters. A special opening reception party will occur on Saturday, July 9th from 4-7pm.
April 30: Gandolfo Canyon Hike Join Friends of Nevada Wilderness and our board member, Larry Dwyer, on a exploratory hike of Gandolfo Canyon in the Shoshone Mountains. This will be an exploratory trip where we may attempt to summit Dee BM (7988’) and/or Emigrant Peak (7848’). Gandolfo Canyon is a citizen proposed “Lands with Wilderness Characteristics" unit and hikers will learn how they can help protect this stunning area. We should also experience some outstanding views of the Smith Creek Valley to the west and the Reese River Valley and Toiyabe Mountains just to the east. There will be about 3 hr drive each way and the hike will be 5-10 miles RT with 1500-2500’ of total elevation gain. No dogs. For details or to RSVP, contact the trip leader, Larry Dwyer, at 775-745-6628 or [email protected]. May 8: Poodle Mountain Exploratory Hike Friends of Nevada Wilderness and our board member, Larry Dwyer, invite you to join us on a exploratory hike to Poodle Mountain, the high point of the Poodle Mountain Wilderness Study Area, directly north of the Smoke Creek Desert. The hike should give us great views of the playa to the south and the Granite Range to the east - we might even be able to see Lassen and/or Shasta to the west. Our hike, depending on how far we can drive, will be about 5-6 mi RT with about 1000' of elevation gain. From Reno, the drive to the trailhead will be over 3 hours each way which will mean an early start. This WSA is part of our Wild Washoe Wilderness Campaign. We'll learn about the current status and what we can do to help out. No dogs. Please contact leader for further details: Larry Dwyer at 775-745-6628 or [email protected]. On-Going: Mount Rose Monitoring Spend a day hiking, enjoying our backyard Wilderness, and volunteering! These trips will focus on identifying potentially new noxious weed locations within the Mt. Rose Wilderness as well as monitoring existing populations. Working directly with the Carson City Forest Service Ranger District, we have identified a few locations where noxious weeds may have been introduced.
These trips are a great way to gain valuable noxious weed knowledge, hike to new locations, have a unique and different experience, become a Mt. Rose Ambassador, and learn how to use a GPS! These will be day hikes (5-8 hours) into the Wilderness beginning on trail and continuing off trail. Some rough, uneven terrain will be expected, so sturdy hiking boots and/or trekking poles are recommended.
May 9 May 18
On-Going: Mount Rose Invasive Weed Removals We have an exciting line-up of volunteer projects in Mt. Rose Wilderness to reduce noxious weed populations. Musk Thistle and Perennial Pepperweed are nasty plants that have drastic effects to the watershed. Out-competing native plants, noxious weeds can steal resources, grow into dense mono-cultures, and affect wildlife and soil quality. Join us as we head into the Mt. Rose Wilderness to continue efforts to reduce populations sizes and densities. With shovel in hand, we will hike to known locations. This is a great way to spend the day hiking in our wonderful backyard Wilderness while lending a hand. For more information and to RSVP, click on the individual project dates. For general information, e-mail Nora at [email protected].
May 12 May 21 June 1 June 7 June 11 June 16
May 14-16: Leave No Trace Trainer Course Join us for a weekend Leave No Trace Trainer Course, taught by Nevada Outdoor School. A weekend of front country camping and hiking in Dog Valley while learning the ropes of leaving not trace. Space is limited and you must RSVP by May 5th. Click here for more information and to RSVP or e-mail Richie at [email protected]May 27-30: Black Rock Rendezvous The annual Black Rock Rendezvous is quickly approaching! Join Friends of Nevada Wilderness, the Bureau of Land Management, Friends of Black Rock, and the Nevada Outdoor School for a weekend of exploring, restoring, and enjoying the Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area. As always, we have a jam-packed weekend of stewardship, tours, presentations, kids camp, and the infamous Dutch Oven cook-off and potluck! For more information and to RSVP, click here!
June 3-5: National Trails Day Haven't been to Steven's Camp, on the north end of the High Rock Canyon? Join us this weekend for a hoot and a holler of a great time. Partnering with the BLM and Friends of Black Rock-High Rock, we will be maintaining the Upper High Rock Canyon Trail in addition to continuing restoration work on the public use cabin. For more information and to RSVP, click here.If you would like more information, feel free to e-mail our Stewardship Coordinators, Richie at [email protected] or Nora at [email protected] - or call our office at 775-324-7667.
For a complete list of upcoming events, click here.
Become a Member Today
"Philanthropy is the rent we pay for the joy and privilege we have for our space on this earth" - Jerold Panas
Become a member of Friends of Nevada Wilderness and support clean air and water, wildlife habitat, and opportunities for people to get out and enjoy the wonders of nature. Your generous donation will go towards getting volunteers on the ground in wilderness areas, advocating for keeping public lands in public hands, and providing critical protection for Nevada's wilderness areas. Membership levels begin at $25 per year.
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