Wild Nevada Legacy Circle

Help Permanently Protect and Restore Nevada's Wilderness.

A legacy gift shows your thoughtfulness and forward-thinking generosity to help ensure Nevada’s public lands remain Forever Wild! When you make the important decision to leave a legacy gift to Friends of Nevada Wilderness in your will, you demonstrate your commitment to protect and restore Nevada’s wild lands in perpetuity.

For more information on the Wild Nevada Legacy Circle, please click below.

     Wild Nevada Legacy Circle Brochure

     Charter Member Listing

     Legacy Giving Interest Reply Form

To discuss your interest in making a Legacy Gift to Friends of Nevada Wilderness, please contact:

Jim Stanger
Community & Development Manager
775-324-7667 x202
[email protected]

  • Myth: Wills are only important if you have a lot of money or property.
  • Fact: This is false. There are many reasons to have a will. Wills can do quite a bit more than just name who gets your money and property. With a will, you can also nominate guardians for your minor children, name caretakers for your pets, leave instructions for digital assets, write your funeral wishes, and more. A will can also save your loved ones the time, money, and stress that comes with lengthy, expensive probate court proceedings.
  • Myth: My family knows what I want, so I don’t need a will.
  • Fact: Your family might know what you want, but they won’t get to make any decisions for you if you don’t write them down in a will. Instead, a court will make those decisions based on local laws. And the court process can be long and cost your loved ones a lot of money from your estate.
  • Myth: Writing a will is a long, complicated, and expensive process.
  • Fact: Not anymore! There are a number of online will-making tools out there today. Some of them charge for their services, but on at least one, FreeWill.com for example, you can fill out, download, and print your will for free in less than 20 minutes. Then all you have to do is sign your will with at least two witnesses and keep it safe.

Initiated in 1974, with 501(c)(3) non-profit organization status since 1985, Friends of Nevada Wilderness
founders and Board members have influenced every piece of federal legislation to designate wilderness in
Nevada. One founding Board member was instrumental in the passage of the 1964 Wilderness Act, which
included the 64,667 acre Jarbidge Wilderness. Collectively, we have achieved designation of over 3.4 million
acres of federal wilderness in 70 wilderness areas -- with more to come -- across Nevada.                                          Our Federal Tax ID (EIN) is 88-0211763 

                                                                                                           Mt. Rose Wilderness     

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