Pinto Valley Wilderness

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Wilderness Area Statusphoto_pinto_flowers1_beffort_400.jpg

Designated Wilderness Area
Year Designated: 2002
Lake Mead National Recreation Area
Act or Law: Clark County Conservation of Public Land and Natural Resources Act of 2002
Acres: 39173
State Region: Southern Nevada
County Regions: Clark   


Managing Agency: National Park Service
Local District: Alan Bible Visitor Center
Contact Info: (702) 293-8990photo_pinto_rocks_jsippel_400.jpg
151 Lakeshore Scenic Drive  Las Vegas, NV89101
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Area Description

The Pinto Valley Wilderness consists of the upper canyons of three major washes which drain from the edge of a plateau east toward Lake Mead. The canyons are rugged. Elevations range from 2,700 feet along the southeast side to a 4,700 foot ridge on the northern end. Low mountain brush species vegetate the land. Scenic views of Iceberg Canyon and the lower reaches of the Grand Canyon are visible from here. The wilderness measures 3.5 miles long and 1.5 miles wide. Known water sources are Cottonwood Spring and Sandstone Spring.

Creosote bush scrub with yucca and cactus.

Desert bighorn sheep. Birds include peregrine falcon, red-tailed hawk, American kestrel, Cooper's hawk, and greater roadrunner. Bald eagle, American white pelican, osprey and white-faced ibis may be seen near Lake Mead.

Sensitive species
Las Vegas bearpoppy, threecorner milkvetch, sticky buckwheat, banded Gila monster.
