Please protect these areas that have strong wilderness characteristics!

Dear RMP Planning Team,

Thank you for your efforts on the Las Vegas RMP Revision. I would like for the planning team to identify the following areas as being lands with wilderness characteristics:

Bitter Ridge (NV-SN-52-015)

Virgin Mountain Addition (NV-SN-52-012)

Eldorado Addition (NV-SN-52-021 A&B)

Buffington Pockets (NV-SN-52-011)

Last Chance Range (NV-SN-30-002 A&B)

Specter Range (NV-SN-30-004 A&B)

St. Thomas Gap (NV-050-02R-12)

Summit Springs (NV-050-0440)

I think these beautiful and wild areas should be given strong administrative protection and managed to preserve and maintain their wilderness characteristics.

Who's signing

Leia Morrison
Theresa Tranquillo
Marija Minić
Daylin Sigler
Cindy De Leon
Theresia Forgey
Kevin Kingma
Heather Witt
Marla Koot
Sasha ilic
Bill Gardner
Linda Yonemoto
Doug Goodall
Fred Rinne
Daniel Mager
Faith D
Jason Man
Laura Deverse
William Huggins
Paul Kasperek
Deborah Carvouniaris
Scott Moore
Celeste Hexamer
Zoe Bray
Sharon Marie Wilcox
Bruce Reynolds
Christian Gerlach
Elliot Koontz
jay laughlin
Terry Frewin
109 signatures

Will you sign?

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