August 22, 2011
LUSH Cosmetics and Friends of Nevada Wilderness: working together for Gold Butte
Friends of Nevada Wilderness has teamed up with the very
generous folks at LUSH Cosmetics to work for the protection of Nevada's piece of the
Grand Canyon: Gold Butte. Saturday, August 27, we kick off our Gold Butte Campaign at the
Cosmetics Store at the Mandalay Bay Resort on the shinning Las Vegas Strip.
 Lush Cosmetics at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas (c) Kurt Kuznicki
When: Saturday, August 27th from 1:00 to 5:00 pm.
Where: LUSH Cosmetics Store at the Mandalay Bay Resort
Come on down to the store and sign a post card (or letter) of
support for the designation of Gold Butte as a National Conservation Area with
You could win some fabulous skin-care products for signing a card
or letter of support. The good folks at LUSH will raffle off some of their
great natural products, and your card or letter is your entry into the
raffle. Note: it is rumored that Friends' Southern Nevada director, Kurt,
is very fond of LUSH Charity Pot Skin and Hand Cream.
LUSH also has a few surprises in store (as well as skin and foot
treatments for our hardworking volunteers). So, join us for a wild time at
the Mandalay Bay and make a difference for Gold Butte. There is a party goin'on!
 Jumping for joy over LUSH Cosmetics and Gold Butte (c) Kurt Kuznicki
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Upcoming volunteer projects and events
Friends of Nevada Wilderness offers up lots of fun opportunities
to help your Nevada wildlands heal and prosper. Here are the next several events.
Friday, August 26 — Sunday, August 28 Santa Rosa Wilderness
stewardship project
Stewardship — Details for this project are yet to
be finalized. One thing is sure, it includes a trip to a beautiful part of Wild Nevada.
Friday, August 26 — Sunday, August 28 Summer of Sheldon: Fence removal project
Stewardship — Help the wildlife and the places they live
on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge
Friday, September 16 — Sunday, September 18 National Public
Lands Day on the Black Rock
Stewardship — A family-friendly trip with lots of programs
for the kids and a number of restoration projects for teens and older.
Contact Friends at (775) 324-7667 or by email for
more information or to RSVP for a project.
More projects will be announced as they are scheduled. See
later emails and the
stewardship events page.