Show Your Support for Public Lands Bills

Several pro public lands bills in the Nevada State Legislature will be receiving their committee hearing early next week on Monday and Tuesday. We need to show our state legislators that Nevadans LOVE our public lands and National Monuments!! We hope you join us in Carson City or Las Vegas to show up in support of our public lands!!

 How You Can Help:




1.       Attend our National Monument/Public Lands rally in person next Tuesday afternoon. Assembly Joint Resolution 13, introduced by Assemblywoman Heidi Swank, expresses the support of the Nevada State Legislature for the enactment and use of the Antiquities Act and the designation of Basin and Range National Monument and Gold Butte National Monument in Nevada. We need to show our state legislators that Nevadans LOVE our National Monuments and want to see this bill passed!


When: Tuesday, April 11th / Rally at 12:30pm followed by the bill hearing at 1:30pm*


Carson City:

Rally: 12:30pm, In front of the Nevada State Legislature. 401 S. Carson St., Carson City, NV.

Hearing: 1:30pm, Same location, Room 3138



Las Vegas:

Rally: 12:30pm, In front of the Grant Sawyer Building. 555 E Washington Ave., Las Vegas, NV.

Bill Hearing: 1:30pm, Same location, Room number to be announced.



*Rally Details: Bring pro National Monument, Antiquities Act, Gold Butte, and Basin and Range signs. Pro Public Lands signs are great too - National Monuments are part of our great public land heritage! If you can, wear orange or gold in support of Gold Butte! We will have Gold Butte and Public Lands buttons for you to wear.


**Bill Hearing Details: Please sign in when you arrive at the bill hearings and note that you are attending in support of AJR13. Please note that you do not have to provide testimony - just sign in as a supporter!





2.       Attend SB413 and SJR12 bill hearings next Monday afternoon.*

When: Monday, April 10th. SB413 at 1:00pm / SJR12 at 3:30pm


Carson City:

Where: Nevada State Legislature. 401 S. Carson St., Carson City, NV.



Las Vegas:

Where: Grant Sawyer Building. 555 E Washington Ave., Las Vegas, NV



Senate Bill 413 (SB413) would establish the last Saturday in September of each year as “Public Lands Day” in the State of Nevada. An official Public Lands Day would serve as an annual reminder to our elected officials that Nevadans value our public lands and want to keep them public!

Details: Hearing is at 1:00pm, Room 2135 in Carson City / Room number to be announced in Las Vegas.


Senate Joint Resolution 12 (SJR12) seeks to rescind Senate Joint Resolution 1 (SJR1) that passed in the Nevada Legislature in 2015 and expresses support for the retention of federal management and control of federal public lands in this State. SJR1 urged Congress to transfer management of public lands in Nevada to state control and passed on an extremely thin margin and on pure party lines. Public lands should never be a partisan issue and it's imperative that we rescind SJR1 to send a clear message to our elected officials in Congress that Nevadans want to keep public lands in public hands!

Details: SJR12 Hearing is at 3:30pm, Room 2144 in Carson City / Room number to be announced in Las Vegas.


*Please sign in when you arrive at the bill hearings and note that you are attending in support of SB413/SJR12. Please note that you do not have to provide testimony - just sign in as a supporter!


Can’t make it in person?

1. Take action for public lands by signing our petition here! We’ll be dropping off the petitions this Friday morning to the committee members so take action NOW!!

2. "Vote" in favor of the bill by clicking here. Look up AJR13, SB413, and SJR12 individually under "Select Bill" or type the bill name and number into "type bill name here". A brief description of the bill should pop up. Click "For" and fill out your constituent information. Click submit and you're done!

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